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Regular Monthly Meeting
Newtown Board of Fire Commissioners
September 27, 2010
Botsford Fire and Rescue
Called to Order at 7:00 p.m.

Commissioners Present:  Burton, Cragin, Dugan, Goosman, Jossick, McCulloch and Wlasuk

Marshal’s Present:  Frampton, Halstead and Ober

Cragin recognized Duane Giannini, Chairman of the Police Commission and Fred Hurley the Public Works Director of the Town of Newtown.    The Board appreciates their effort to update the fire departments.  Hurley thanked all fire departments with the response to the key problem with firehouses.

MOTION:  Goosman moved that the minutes of the Monthly Meeting of August 23, 2010, be accepted as presented.
MOTION:  Passed

Correspondence to:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         
9-9-10          Carole Ross/Lisa Quigley                Length of Service Awards Program
9-22-10         Cragin/Tait                     Special Appropriation Statement – CIP

Correspondence from:
Date            To/From                         Subject                                         

Public Participation - None

Fire Marshals Report:

  • For the month of August there were 75 calls, 470 incidents and 400 hours worked.   
  • No loss for the month.
  • No fire investigations.
  • Five plan reviews.
  • Complaint - 118 Currituck Road regarding outside service.  
  • Waiting for latest map with all five districts – ISO.
  • Front exit issues at high school.
  • Stair tower #4 was rectified right before school started.
  • Fire extinguisher training at Middle School.
  • Morgan Pond is moving forward.  Widen entrance for safety reasons.  
  • Georges Hill hydrant replaced by the highway department.  Rock Ridge Country Club - head replaced on hydrant.    Blue Lynx repair still outstanding.  Burton to get replacement parts.
  • Marshal Halstead stated that the Fire Department should have been involved with the change of frequency by the Police Department.  A lot of money ($1.7M) was invested years ago in changing over the fire departments to digital.   
  • Halstead will purchase savings bond for the upcoming poster contest.
  • Key Rock Speed Table:    due to the history of speeding on Key Rock, the neighborhood has asked for these speed tables.  The initial phase will be in for one month and removed for the winter months.  This first phase is strictly informational.  Both sides need to be considered.  Put in between now and Thanksgiving.
Standing Committees:

Cragin/Burton attended the BOS last meeting regarding CIP.  Everything was approved.  First Selectman asked if the town could pay directly for trucks.  2011/2012 budgets need to be handed in.  Burton missing a few budgets.

All trucks looked nice in the parade.  Gowans will start DOT and Pump Test this week.  #331 body damage repaired.

Radio – none

Policy and Procedures – Dugan received 30 TB testing requests.

Hydrant – no report

Rob Manna contacted the members of the Response Program Committee in regards to possible meeting dates.      Cragin requested Jossick to represent Hawleyville if a representative is not chosen by the meeting date.

Purchasing Agent:
The bid lists will be going out shortly,
#339 refurb spec being worked on.  Will get to finance within the next week

Old Business:   
  • Driver License Policy – tabled until next month’s meeting.
New Business:

  • Training Funds:  
MOTION:  McCulloch makes a motion to accept NH&L’s training request in the amount of $1,295.
SECONDED:  Goosman
Yeahs:  Cragin, Goosman, Jossick, Dugan, Wlasuk and McCulloch
Nay:  Burton


  • Annual Dinner Meeting – location will be announced.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey